Participant Responsibilities

Each JA student participant plays a key role in making the JA Company Program a positive experience. In order for you and your colleagues to run a successful business, it will be your responsibility to follow these policies:

Attendance: Students are expected to attend at least 80% of the meetings to get the Program completion certificate/work hours/references. If you are unable to attend due to illness or other legitimate reasons please let your team know in the Slack channel as well as e-mail your JABC Program Manager.

Respect: Everyone is asked to practice good business manners. JA companies conduct business in a professional manner, giving everyone the opportunity to speak at meetings and voice their opinions and suggestions. JA students are expected to respect and support decisions made by the JA Company in conducting its business.

Financial Obligations: JA students are expected to handle monies, bank accounts and financial obligations incurred by their JA Company in a safe and responsible manner. Financial transactions must first be discussed and approved by the student executive and the advisory team before they are carried out. (This would include supply orders, student employee wages & commissions, charitable donations, payouts to shareholders etc.).

Pre-Work: Students must ensure that they have completed the necessary pre-work prior to each company meeting and come prepared to participate, engage and share your ideas.

Zoom Etiquette: If meetings are held virtually, while the group sessions are happening, do not un-mute yourself unless asked to or use the group chat for your personal conversations. For the first couple of meetings please have your video camera on so that you can get to know each other. If you are having issues connecting to the meeting, let your JABC Program Manager know so that we can find an alternative way for you to join the meeting.